In week 2 tutor introduced three main themes for our Main Project. Purple Haze. Use the colour purple as your theme, consider what it represents and how it can be incorporated into your art or design project. Earthly Delights . Interpret this title as you please to represent, incorporate or express the nature of earthly delights in your art and design project. Expressionism . Look deeply into expressionism and incorporate this style into your art and design project. It seems like ages ago when I decided to choose Earthly delights theme for main project. Back then I had no idea what I would create , I only knew that would be something related to Nature. I started with drawing simple flowers, plants and botanical patterns which I wanted to use on the shoes, curtains and clothes. I thought about creating new shoe company, but I couldn't find any purpose and it was more for someone who's progression route is fashion or product design. First exercise "Martians have landed...