Eco Academy - school uniform

This time I changed the font on the logo. I was looking for something smooth and not that sharp as it was before with Helvetica font.  I worked on Procreate and I found Chalkboard SE font which I think is better and the Bold font has the same thickness as the black lines on the logo itself.
I knew that  I would need the logo without the background to place it on the uniforms, leaflets and so on. Unfortunately I didn't know how to do it yet. I watched a quick tutorial on You Tube and I learned how to create and then save the picture without the background.
I used Pixabay for searching photographs. I saved few of them on the google drive and then uploaded them into Procreate where I was able to add the logo.

Free background logo is uploaded from my google drive. Then with the magic wand tool I easily resized it and placed on the boy shirt. The blue shirt would be perfect for the Eco Academy and I prefer it more than heavy jumper .

I like how the logo looks on the shirt and I am glad that I have removed the black frame from it. 
In the next step I added text underneath the picture, I was thinking of adding this photos to the school website in the tab "Uniforms" were parent could find the information and photos.

I used the same font as it is in logo. That would be the Eco Academy font and I would use it in the website, on the leaflets, letter to parents and so on.

I decided to chose the white shirt for the girls, and again I found the picture on Pixabay.
On the picture below I used the simple logo without the text and tree. My idea was to place the main logo on the front and the simple version on the sleeve, however I'm not 100% sure 

Pixabay (nd), School uniform, Available at: [Accessed on: 26.02.22]


  1. These are interesting, it would be good to see you look at other examples of these kinds of images and how they are presented in order for you to have a better idea of how they look conventionally.


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