Punk's not dead - the stickers part 2
This is one of my pictures that I created ages ago, however is still up-to-date. The text is in polish and says "stop for fascism!" I drew a shark being kicked with heavy boot which is symbol of punk subculture, same as the stripy trousers. Shark as a strong and aggressive predator is perfect as a symbol what is scared and attacks without warning. I changed the design a little bit by adding a text in English with a strong and heavy font, which I chose to emphasize even more the strength of that message. The letter "Z" on the shark's fin is a symbol of Russian invasion used recently on Russian tanks and airplanes.
Punks were always involved and interested about situation on the World and in their own country. If they do not accept or do not agree with something they talk about this in songs or posters or text sprayed on the wall.
Have you posted on Polish punk culture - might be a good link to this post if you haven't?